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4 Ways to Keep a Playroom Clean and Organized

Playroom cleaning tips

The children’s playroom is one of those areas that require constant cleaning and organizing. It’s a matter of seconds for the room to go from perfectly put to messy and scattered with toys. These can make you feel frustrated and overwhelmed. Luckily, this blog post is here to help you! Read on to learn four ways that will ensure your playroom stays as clean and organized as possible.

Label bins, drawers, and containers
These tips can also be applied to the kitchen and other areas with storage space. Labeling items and large bins make cleaning easier, faster, and more effective. You can categorize bins according to the type of toys or age range. This helps you and your kids know the right place for each item.

Donate away old toys
Depending on the antiquity of the toy you can decide whether it must be thrown away or can be given to someone else. Getting rid of toys also includes old books, furniture, clothing, or other things that only add to clutter. Tears can be expected, but you can handle this by rewarding your children with a prize or just letting them know that they are doing community service to feel proud of.

Choose the right furniture
It’s important for a playroom to have furniture that makes organizing the room easier. Avoid furniture that’s heavy or takes up a lot of space. Furniture with built-in storage is a great idea! Also, try having chairs or other pieces with hidden drawers. Modular furniture is also another way to keep the playroom organized over time.

Disinfect and deep clean
If you are parents to toddlers you know for a fact that toys end up in their mouths most of the time. This means that keeping them clean and disinfected is a must to avoid germs from spreading. It’s advised to recur to a deep cleaning every few weeks to keep your kids and the rest of the family healthy.

Next time you need a hand with the playroom don’t hesitate to contact us. To cater to our customer needs, we provide several environmentally sound cleaning solutions and techniques. All of our products are strong enough to clean any type of surface, without the fear of compromising on quality or integrity.